Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-04-11

19-17.7N 110-48.6W

Anchored Isla San Benedicto at Canyon
Winds WNW @15knts, seas 2-3′, skies clear, in water vis 10-20m, slight current to east, temp 74F

We completed our transit without incident and arrived to anchor here around 0500. Today we have this site to ourselves and the diving has been good to us so far.

We started our checkout dive from the swim step at 0800 and it was a good opportunity for all the guests to sort out their weights and get used to the water. Visibility was not great for that dive around 10m but still, guests saw whitetips, silvertips, Galapagos sharks, octopus, and at least one manta.

While they were in the water a large group of dolphins cruised past the bay along with a humpback, but none of the mammals came to see the divers. At dive two, we dropped at manta rock and all the guests made it out to the cleaning station. Good activity, with the usual Silvertips and Galapagos sharks circling and being cleaned. And I think everybody saw hammerheads as well for the first time. Seems like there were groups of 4-10 of them at various points of the dive. So far everybody is thrilled with the diving.

We will make two more dives here this afternoon and then spend the night at anchor for our move around to the boiler early tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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