Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-04-13

NGL is sailing in the north of Cerralvo channel, heading towards la Reina. The sky is blue, we had strong gusts of southern wind this morning but it died down and the sea is calm. We will try to do a dive and snorkel at La Reina before the westerly winds start.

This morning we were surrounded by mobulas at anchor, so after a quick breakfast, the guests jumped on the Rhib and went for a swim. A humpback mother and her calf showed up, so the mobula swim turned into whale watching. After a while, we headed towards the western coast of Cerralvo, where we found another mother and calf humpback whale. We did spend a long time alongside both, treating them with respect and distance until the point when the mum went down to rest and left the baby at the surface to play. Curious as juveniles are, he approached the Rhib and even did a few breaches. Unfortunately, 3 pangas showed up, running up straight at the little family who decided to leave. Yesterday afternoon was very quiet, we found a big pod of common dolphins northwest of Los Islotes that we followed until the eastern side of Espiritu Santo. The east side was empty though until we reached La Bonanza where we found loads of mobula Thurston in trains of 4-5 or isolated and a school of mobula munkiana to swim with. We then headed to La Ventana to anchor.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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