Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-04-19

18-44.1N 110-59.1W

Approaching Socorro Navy Base
Winds W 15knts, seas 2-3′, skies 50% overcast, air temp 76F, Water temp 75F, in water vis 40-60′, no current

We completed our transit and arrived to anchor near the dive site aquarium this morning at 0600. We ran our checkout dive from the swim platform and it was a good chance for all divers to get their gear sorted and weights confirmed. We had a couple of people needing some special attention, but overall, the group seemed like competent divers.

Not too much to see on the checkout dive, though there were reports of octopus, lobsters, and at least one silky shark. For dive two we were right on the aquarium and it treated us well. Octopus again as well as whitetip reef sharks, but the real highlight was the two mantas who came around the groups. Everybody got a very good look at them and came up very pleased.

Now that dive two is complete we are underway to make our navy inspection. After that, we will continue to Cabo Pearce and make our third dive there this afternoon.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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