NGL N24.28.879 W110.23.819
The sky is clear, the wind strong N15, building swell N3-4ft. air temp 28C, water temp 20C, visibility vary 3meters to 7 meters.
NGL is cruising along the west side of Espiritu Santo Island. This morning guests woke up for a dive at the sea lion colony of San Francisco. They were greeted by a dozen sea lions who were very curious and inquisitive with our divers and their cameras. The visibility was around 7 meters. Everybody had a blast.
The wind picked up as they were emerging from the dive, so we headed south, towards Espiritu Santo. The guests started to check out with Silva after breakfast. We saw a fin whale on the way, but very shy, we could not approach and the built-up swell of 3-4 ft was not helping either.
In Ensenada Grande, the guests boarded the RHIB and very quickly found a Mola-Mola! The sunfish (or moonfish in other languages) is a deep-sea fish that usually comes to the surface for basking in the sun. It has been seen that birds also land on them and clean them of the parasites that they have on their skin. Our guest Samuel was able to see the Mola-Mola in the water before it took off. The guests are now following a pod of 50 common dolphins before heading back for lunch.
Yesterday after lunch we did the crossing to San Francisco in the NGL, as the north wind was picking up to 10-12knts. Arriving south of the island, in the protection, we boarded the Rhib to find a pod of 50 common dolphins playing in the wake of the Rhib. Just before sunset guests disembarked on the beach in San Francisco for a short time. At 2000, after dinner, guests Jared and Garid were the only ones keen to go for a night dive on the reef. They dove on the north shore of San Francisco Bay and loved it – moray eels, sea hares, sea cucumbers, jawfish, crabs, and jacks.