Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-04-22

18-59.5N 112-04.8W

Anchored Roca Partida
Winds NW 8-12knts, seas NW 5-6′, Skies 50% overcast, air temp 76F, Water temp 75F, Vis 70-90′, no current.

We had a bit of motion overnight on our transit from the Canyon to Roca. Seas were NW at around 6′ but the winds were NNE, kicking up some confused seas. But we arrived at the anchorage early this morning and have made two dives here so far. The surface and skiff loading conditions are pretty active for this group of older divers, but everybody has been doing well so far, with the exception of a few divers who are wisely sitting out the dives until conditions on the surface improve.

While challenging on the surface, the seas below are very calm. Almost no current and good visibility down to about 100′ where there is some murky colder water. Shark activity has been good and divers are really enjoying all the activity. Big schools of jacks and some bonito, as well as the large yellow fins on the prowl. Dive one had a passing black manta and some dolphins as well. We’ve got two more dives to go here this afternoon and then we will head back to San Ben to finish up at the Boiler tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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