18-59.5N 112-04.8W
Anchored Roca Partida
Winds NW 8knt, Seas NW 4-5′, Skies 80% overcast, air temp 76F, water temp 74F, visibility 100’+, no current
We made two dives yesterday afternoon at Roca O’Neil and it was wonderful. Divers were really impressed with the topography of the arches and swim-throughs. There was only a bit of current and visibility was over 100′. Off in the blue, there were mantas, hammerheads, and dolphins. We loved it.
After the 4th dive, we relocated to anchor just south of Cape Henslow for dinner and then ran overnight to get to Roca. It was very cloudy when we woke up this morning, but the sea conditions were great. Very little wind this morning and 4-5′ gentle seas. Some challenges for a few of the group in and out of the skiff, but everybody is doing well.
In the water, the rock is pretty quiet. Almost no current and very clear water. But not too much life. There are some scattered silky sharks and the usual whitetips, but the Silvertips were almost completely absent. Still divers are enjoying the site and we are getting occasional glimpses of yellowfin tuna off in the blue. The current is just starting to come up out of the east at the end of dive two, so hopefully once the water starts moving some more of the life will show up.