Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-05-01

19-19.6N 110-48.8W

Anchored Isla San Benedicto at Boiler
Winds NW 10-12knts, seas NW 3-5′, skies 40% cirrus, air temp 76F, water temp 74F, visibility 100′, slight current to north.

We had two more dives yesterday afternoon at Roca Partida. The rock really woke up for the afternoon and those last two dives were incredible. Silky sharks were out in great numbers, schooling just off in the blue. There were large schools of bonitos with large yellowfins hunting, silver tips at the cleaning station, and some scattered hammerheads hiding out among the silkies as well. Divers absolutely loved the afternoon and it kind of made up for the very slow morning.

We got underway toward the start of dinner and ran overnight to reach the Boiler this morning. So far, we have made two dives here and on both there were very friendly mantas, giving each diver an up-close experience. Also, this morning we had some looks at a dolphin from afar, one or two hammerheads in the distance, and one large tiger shark for a few divers on dive two. A very good day of diving so far. We will make two more dives here then relocate to the Canyon for dinner and the evening before getting underway early morning for the return run to Cabo.

Our guest Sharon who had the vertigo episode early in the trip went out for a snorkel during dive two today and was able to get some good looks at the mantas from the surface. She was really happy about the experience and will do some more snorkeling this afternoon.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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