Captain’s Noon Reports – Undersea – 2023-05-02

NUS Anchored at 19 19.3N-110 48.5W in 115ft depth, Boiler, San Benedicto Island. Windy this morning but now is getting better NW 8 knots and 3 ft NW seas. The sky is partly cloudy 80%, air temp 74F.

Two dives this morning at the Boiler with 50ft visibility, 75F water temp, and no current. The first dive was quiet, with 2 dolphins,1 juvenile tiger shark, and 1 manta but for the second dive a lot of manta action, with at least 6 different individuals, 2 black and 4 chevrons. Mantas were with the divers for 60 min with a school of more than 20 Hammerhead sharks passing near the Boiler. All guests were very happy with the good diving at the Boiler. Now they request to finish the day of diving on this site.

Yesterday, the last dive at Roca Partida was the best dive of the day. 60 plus Silky sharks passed very close to the Rock.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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