Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-05-05

Anchor at San Benedicto, Canyon, Winds: N 14 -16 kts sometimes gust around 20 knots, Seas: NW 1-2ft short period of swell.

Yesterday we arrived in San Benedicto at 2300. We dropped the anchor and spent the night here. Today we started our warm-up dive at Fondeadero. In general, our divers did a good job for a group who required more attention as they are new divers and the conditions are not the best for them in Socorro. Conditions here are a challenge anyway and we are trying hard to provide them with a good experience.

We encountered at Fondeadero Tiger sharks and a Manta who was friendly. Dive conditions: the current was strong heading to the S, with visibility around 15 Mts. In the 2nd dive, we encountered some Galapagos sharks, a lot of white tips sharks, and some hammerhead sharks 5 of them.

Our guests are very happy, we are going to perform 2 dives more at Canyon and after dinner, we are going to sail to Roca Partida.  

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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