Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2023-05-05

NGL 24.18.6N 110.11.25 W

Clear sky, wind North 10knts, swell N 3-4ft, air temp 29C, water temp 19C, vis 10meters

Hello everybody

NGL is sailing down the Cerralvo channel, passing by El Saltito underway to Bahia de Los Suenos.

This morning we woke up in El Saltito. The depth here was 30ft deep. Unfortunately, no mobulas came during the night around the boat. But this morning everybody embarked on the search for mobulas. There was not many jumping, but Dianela and Manuelle found a school of mobulas mixed with cow nose rays, and some of the guests jumped in.

Then we headed north towards the San Lorenzo channel. We found a bait ball of mackerels being chased by common dolphins, frigate birds, sea lions, and pelicans. The visibility was not good enough to jump in but from the NGL we could see the dolphins working the bait ball and attacking it from below.

Yesterday afternoon we ended the day in Saltito after the wind dropped down. The visibility was great (10 meters) and there was great light for the supermodel mobulas. Our photographers were very happy and guest Berk was able to jump in.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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