Anchor at Roca Partida, Winds: N 15 -16 kts sometimes gust around 20 knots, Seas: NW 5-7 ft long period of swell.
Yesterday we finished our day in Canyon with beautiful dives. We had really good manta action with many sharks around. Our guests were very happy with the dive conditions, the water temp was around 23°C and the current was changing from the N to S. After the dive, our Chef Enrique was waiting for us with delicious Tacos.
Then we started our way to Roca Partida. Today our 1st dive was wonderful, a lot of silky sharks at the north of the rock, and some really huge tuna around. The current is just moderate and the visibility is good. For a while, we got a spot of green water but due to the current it left, we are going to perform 2 dives more and then we are going to sail to Socorro Island, Cabo Pearce,