Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-05-15

Anchor at Roca Partida, Boiler, Winds: NW 4 -6 knots sometimes gust around 8 knots, Seas: NW 3-6ft short period of swell.

Yesterday we finished our diving day with very good dives at the Boiler. We encountered 3 chevron mantas at the last dive, the visibility was good but the current picked up in general. The dives at the Boiler were beautiful and as soon as we finished, we started on our way to Roca Partida. All the way to Roca was a smooth run.

Today our 1st dive was beautiful, weather conditions in Roca are good. On our 1st dive, we encountered a whale shark 3 times swimming around the rock, and the usual marine life, silver tips, Galapagos sharks, and some tunas were around. On the 2nd dive, we encountered another whale shark which was smaller than the second one but we thought that was a different one. Dive conditions were good, light current from N to S but for the 2nd dive, it switched from S to N. Visibility was around 30 meters, the day was beautiful and the weather conditions were really good.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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