Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-05-15

Good afternoon, everyone

NEX anchored at Roca Partida, 240 FT depth, 4.5 shots paid out, NW wind 5-10 knots and 4-6 ft NW seas, sky 5/8, water temperature 24 Celsius, and visibility 25 meters.

We have done 2 dives today and we have another 2, and after we finish here, we will move to San Benedicto and dive the Boiler tomorrow. Dives today had been pretty good. During both dives our divers did see whale sharks. There were two different ones, a juvenile, and an adult, and a school of tuna that I was able to see from the skiff as they were swimming and showing some Shinners and white spots. Also, the groups saw mantas and sharks in the North cleaning station. Divers are enjoying the day a lot.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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