Good afternoon everyone, NEX anchored at the San Benedicto.
Diving at Boiler, we did a check dive at Fondeadero, all went well. We saw some dolphins in the distance, 3 or 4 mantas, white-tip sharks, lobster, and lots of fish. All went well for dive 2 and we moved the boat to the Boiler. It was a great dive, at least 6 mantas at the same time with our guests, a pod of dolphins was with them, as well as Galapagos sharks, hammerheads, white tips, and silvertip, and from the skiff while picking up divers, we saw a tiger shark.
It is very windy today NW 15-18 knots, NW seas 3-5 ft. We will do 2 more dives here and then move to Fondeadero and dive at the Canyon tomorrow.