Anchor at San Benedicto, Boiler, Winds: N 8 -11 knots sometimes gust around 15 knots, Seas: NW 4-6ft long period of swell. We arrived at San Benedicto at 0200 the wind was strong; it was around 17 to 20 knots but after 5 am it calmed down.
We spent the night at anchor and in the morning, we started with our warm-up dive, we did not have any issues during this 1st dive, and just at the end of this dive, we encountered a pod of false killer whales that were swimming directly to the corner of San Benedicto, very close from Manta Highway. Our divers stay a while with them at the surface, then the whales just continued on their way. For the 2nd one, we dove the Boiler. We dove with a couple of chevron mantas swimming around. I would say that there were around 5 different mantas, 1 hammerhead shark, and a school of tunas. This dive was very very good. We are going to perform one more dive and then we will see if we can do the last one here due to the weather conditions which are challenging for the skiff operation in the dive deck.