Captain’s Noon Reports – Undersea – 2023-05-25

18.46.404N – 110.54.355W, anchor in 110Ft of water. Today we are diving at Cabo Pearce, wind inside the bay is 10kts gusting to 16kts NW. Outside the bay there is a steady 20kts NW wind, on the dive site waves are 4 ft NW, inside the bay they are nice and flat. The current is really running today NE, the air temperature is 76F, the water temperature is 75F, and the underwater life is amazing (guests’ words) with loads and loads of mantas. The guests are very happy as some of them haven´t seen mantas on the trip so far but Cabo Pearce is delivering…

On the second dive, one of the groups was able to see some hammerheads out in the distance. Today visibility is 80Ft, current is making it a bit hard for guests to move around but there is always a price to pay for such good dives. The sky is overcast.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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