Good afternoon, all. NEX anchored at Fondeadero, 50 ft depth, 1.5 shots paid out, NW wind 15 knots plus, and 2 ft wrapping swell.
Yesterday we finished our day at Roca with an excellent dive, sharks everywhere, one manta and even a pilot whale, it was only happiness on board.
Today we started our day diving the Boiler, 2 magnific dives. In both dives mantas were there to make our guests super happy. Sometimes they had five mantas at the same time, also they saw Galapagos sharks, hammerheads, white tip sharks, lobsters and in dive number 1 we had a pod of dolphins the entire dive. We are wrapping up this trip on a high note. We are going to do 2 dives now in the Canyon and after dinner we will heave anchor and head back to port.