Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-05-30

Good afternoon, everyone, NEX is anchored in San Benedicto at the Boiler. We arrived in Fondeadero last night and conducted check dive this morning. All divers did well.

During this dive, the divers saw lobsters, and white tips for sure. One of the groups saw a manta, some others saw rays and it was a good check dive. After that, we moved to the Boiler and did our second dive. It was a very good dive; the divers saw a few mantas.

Celina’s group got lucky and they saw a pod of dolphins, also Galapagos sharks were there too, as some scattered hammerheads and lots of reef fish. Dive conditions were good, visibility was around 20-25 meters and the water temperature was 24 Celsius. We have a 6 ft long period swell and 2-4 ft seas wind seas.

We will do another dive here and then we will move to Fondeadero and dive at the Canyon tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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