19.19.692N – 110.48.675W, anchor in 110Ft of water, we are diving Boiler, today the wind is doing 8kts NW air temperature is 72F, 6FT long swell and 3 to 4 Feet wind waves. The dive platform is a bit challenging but the crew is doing the work to keep things under control and guests safe.
The diving is nice, there is a light current from the NW, the water temperature is 76F, and visibility is 80Ft. The dive was amazing they say.
A group says they jumped in the water and almost on top of two mantas, most of them saw a few hammerhead sharks, a Galapagos being chased by the jacks scratching their backs on the shark´s rough skin. A few silver tips showed up, then wahoo, and a lot more. The cherry on the cake was the huge tiger shark that went by in the deep water. Guests are enjoying their time in the water. This morning we did the check dive in Leather Bass Alley and then we moved to the Boiler. The warmup dive was nice with a manta, a few sharks, and loads of reef fish.