Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-05-31

Anchor at Punta Tosca, Winds: N 10 -14 knots sometimes gust around 18 knots, Seas: NW 2-3ft long period of swell.

Yesterday we finished our day at Roca Partida, the last 2 dives were very good as we encountered a school of yellowfin tuna, a lot of silky sharks, Galapagos sharks, and at the end in the safety stop the whale shark!! Roca Partida was full of marine life, the dive conditions were good, 24°C and visibility around 20 Mts.

Unfortunately, the conditions at the platform or surface were not good as the swell increased and the period was shorter, so after finishing with the last dive we picked up the anchor and sailed directly to Socorro.

Today Punta Tosca has been really good, on our 1st dive some dolphins came to say hello, around 18 of them, one turtle, and a manta that was passing by around us. The 2nd dive was good as well, around 6 dolphins were playing with us, 1 chevron and 1 black manta, and some tuna around. We are going to perform another dive here and then we will move to Vargas Lozano Bay to perform the inspection and spend the night at anchor in Pearce.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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