Around south Cerralvo today. The wind is light from the east. Seas 1-2′ from the SE. The sky is mostly clear. Air temp 28C.
Started off this morning with some good mobula snorkeling around Punta Perico and Bahia de Los Muertos, and before they came back for breakfast the guests also swam for about 20 minutes straight with a whale shark and watched a gray whale from the RHIB that the plane found.
After they came back onboard, we headed offshore, and within about 20 minutes we found a pod of orcas (already had a few pangas around them). There were 7 total from what I could see, 1 big male and 6 females. We stayed with them from about 1030 until 1400. During that time, we mostly watched from the Gallant Lady, including a dolphin attack and kill that happened right alongside us when the dolphins came over to the boat as we were idling along.
Around 1230 we took the RHIB out, but due to the number of pangas, we were not able to get in the water with them. Then around 1400, the pangas went for lunch and when we went back to find the dolphins, they had disappeared. All the pangas had lost them and though we searched the rest of the afternoon we could not find them again. Now we’re going to anchor and turn on the underwater lights and hopefully get some mobula action around the boat.