Gallant Lady is currently anchored at Saltito for check-out dive. Wind is 5-10kts, 1′ seas. Sky is mostly clear, air temp 30C. Water temp 25C at the surface.
Started this morning with mobula snorkeling near Bahia de Los Suenos. They found a really good school of mobulas right away, literally their first jump of the morning and they stayed in the water for an hour without moving. A huge stationary school of mobulas just circled under them. After an hour they had had their fill of mobulas and wanted to look for something else. Best first-morning jump ever!
After they were up, they went looking for a whale shark that the plane had found. Unfortunately, it dived before we could find it. Instead, they ended up doing several jumps with a pod of bottlenose dolphins that were swimming by at the time and had nice in-water encounters in beautiful clear blue water on the east side of Cerralvo. A great morning. Since then, we’ve searched up inside Cerralvo to Saltito and now we’ll do a checkout dive, then continue searching north, ultimately ending up at San Francisco for tonight.