Today Gallant Lady is searching around Cerralvo, currently between La Reinita and La Reina. The wind is northerly 5-10kts. 1′ seas, clear sky. Water temp 25C at the surface. Air temp 27C.
Last night we anchored at Saltito and tried for a night snorkel but no mobulas showed up. We picked up the anchor early this morning to arrive around Punta Arenas at 0630, sent the RHIB out, and had a great morning. First with a gray whale watching from the rhib for 20 minutes, then to Bahia de los Muertos for an hour of great mobula action, a huge school that everyone got to enjoy without too much kicking.
After that, we headed north into La Ventana and found a huge pod of bottlenose and everyone got to snorkel with them for about half an hour, there were thousands. Then everyone came onboard for breakfast and we came up to the north point. Just now we found a bait ball of sardines boiling at the surface so everyone is out snorkeling with the bait ball now. So far, I’ve just heard that there are lots of big fish hitting them from underneath.
Tonight, we’ll try the lights again off the back deck, and for the last day tomorrow more mobulas in the morning at Los Muertos and try one more time to find the orcas.