18.59.235N – 112.04.538W, anchor in Roca Partida, anchor resting in 240Ft of water, wind today is doing 8kts NW, air temperature is 73F, the ocean has a light current running to the east, water temperature is 75F, visibility is 80 plus Ft, there are some pockets of greenish and cold water.
The first dive was good with tons of white-tip reef sharks going around and some others resting on the balconies. They said there were two silver tips around along with a handful of silkies. There were also the horse-eyed jacks and cottonmouths.
On the second dive and just before dropping guests in the water we saw how lots of BELLE AMIE guests going crazy, screaming, and looking down in the water. So, we went to check and there was a whale shark swimming just under their boat. We dropped our guests there; they swam with the whale shark for a while and then we took them to the rock so they could finish their dive.
Surprise! There was another whale shark just going around the rock, and they all came out screaming with joy and happiness. Guests really enjoying the water, two of the guests not diving today as they don’t want to deal with the waves.