NGL 25.06.94N 110.2933W
Clear blue sky, wind N5, swell N1ft, visibility 10meters, water temp 25C
NGL is in las animas of San Jose. This morning we left San Francisco early and found a massive pod of bottlenose dolphins, more than 500. They had just finished hunting bait balls so they were surrounded by hundreds of fregates, boobies, and other sea birds as well as tunas, some mahi mahi, and even a sailfish.
Guests went in the water and the visibility allowed them to see lots of dolphins. Then we headed for a dive and snorkel at las animas. I have been coming to this rock for the past 4 years and I cannot believe how crowded it is now! California sea lions and Guadalupe fur seals are everywhere, on the rocks, in the water, it’s full! Amazing.
Yesterday afternoon was quiet, we finished the day with a few mobulas and a small pod of dolphins but they were not very cooperative for a snorkel. The night dive/snorkel in San Francisco was a blast for the guests! They saw loads of morey eels swimming, sea stars, sea worms, sea hares, and sleeping fish. The bioluminescence was insane.
After the dive, we did a contest of sparkly cannonballs, and plankton angels (same as snow angels, but in the bioluminescent plankton) and everyone was looking like Tinkerbell around the rhib.