NGL 24.12.38N 109.55.12W, clear sky, wind S8-10knt, swell S2-3, water temp 25C air temp 32. visibility 5-10mts
NGL is going up the Cerralvo channel. This morning we were greeted south of Bahia de los Muertos by a pod of bottlenose dolphins. They were fishing and scattered over a large surface. some of them came to play with the bow wake for the delight of the guests. After the dive/snorkel briefing, we had everybody equipped and tried to approach some schools of mobulas in the Bay of Los Muertos. There was some jumping but the schools were deep and fast so none of the guests could snorkel with them. we will try again tomorrow morning.
We did a few jumps with bottlenose dolphins and 3 guests were able to have a quick sight of them underwater. After breakfast, we headed towards the south of the channel, where we found 2 humpback whales: a mother and a juvenile. We had 30 min of whale watching but the mum and kid were in a hurry, swimming very fast. Now we are heading north toward the location of a report of a pod of dolphins.