18.59.259N – 112.04.550W, anchor in 240ft of water, is a beautiful day, light NW breeze, long 6FT NW swell, air temperature 78F, water today is 75F, cloudy skies with lots of blues.
Visibility today averages 100 ft.
The first dive was good but not great, but the second dive was incredible and the north corner of the Rock was taken by the white-tip reef sharks, the silver tips, and silky sharks. Some saw a chevron manta passing by, and the horse-eyed and cotton mouth came up as they were deep in the first dive. The highlight though was the immense school of yellowfin tuna that came in and stayed around the rock for the entire dive, some say there was one in particular a huge one that was getting too close to the divers. The current was strong in the first dive, it was running to the south and died down the second dive.