Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-06-19

The Explorer at San Benedicto today. Beautiful day with a gentle breeze from the north, WNW swell around 3-4′, clear sky and very warm, air temp 28-29C, water temp 25C. Viz on the dives around 80ft.

Started off the day with a dive at the Boiler, and although a few dolphins passed by briefly at one point, it was relatively quiet at the dive site. Guests enjoyed it nonetheless for the nice viz and always beautiful topography. For dive 2 we took the guests up by inflatable to the north point and had another nice dive. A pod of dolphins did come by for a visit which was the highlight of the dive. Several mantas were at the surface feeding but did not visit the divers. A nice dive though. For the afternoon we have just moved back down to the south end and will try the Canyon to see how it is down here. Tonight, we’ll have dinner on the hook and depart around 2230 for Cabo

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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