Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2023-06-26

Diving Cabo Pearce. 18.46.329N – 110.54-427W, anchor in 80Ft of water, 8kts NW winds flat seas, lots of sun, ocean today is 75F, visibility averages 50Ft, north side with a bit of greenish water, little current running to the northeast.

We are getting friendly mantas, guests saw a school of at least 50 hammerhead sharks, and divers got to interact with two dolphins that stayed for over five minutes with them. One of the divers came up crying as she was very happy and touched by the interaction.

The reef is pretty nice with white-tip reef sharks, flounders, and a lot more but of course, guests are in search of pelagic and so far, they are very happy with what they have seen.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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