Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-07-04

Today for our last day of diving Belle is at San Benedicto. We had a great day at Roca yesterday and an easy, comfy transit to San Ben overnight.

Today’s weather is nice, light northerly breeze, a long silky swell, and maybe 2 to 3′ swell from the NW, partly cloudy.

We started the day with 2 dives at the Canyon. The first dive was really good with a school of hammerheads coming close to both groups even coming up shallow close to them. One group also had a manta coming around to play with them, plus some oceanic black tips and silkies at the cleaning station. The second dive is a little quieter, and viz quite low due to the swell. Water temp 26C at the surface but has a sharp thermocline down to 22C at depth. Viz around 6-9m. After the second dive, we moved to the Boiler, and the first dive there was excellent, with a Tiger shark and a couple of mantas around, plus great viz around 80ft, water temp 26C. Just finishing up the second dive at the Boiler now.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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