Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-07-14

NGL 24.20.714N 109.57.423W, Clear blue sky, light breeze from NE most likely southern wind wrapping around north point Cerralvo. air temp 33C, water temp 28. calm seas

NGL is on the west side of Cerralvo, divers are in la Reynita for 1 dive then we will head around to the other side of the island on the look for big animals.

This morning we tried to find schools of mobulas by Punta Perico, but only found scattered mobulas and one school that disappeared as soon as snorkelers entered the water. We then found a small pod of common dolphins but they did not want to play with the boats or the snorkelers. From there, we headed north and it has been very quiet. we do not see the usual dolphins pods or whales. and orcas havenโ€™t been heard of for a while now.

Yesterday afternoon, the snorkel at la Reyna was good and the guests enjoyed it. They could see 2 male sea lions and a few females in the water, as well as some turtles and the reef. Then we headed east side of Cerralvo, but it was desperately quiet all afternoon. The plane reported a pod of dolphins but too far to the north and I wanted to be back at Punta Arenas on time to set up the night dive and the lights for the mobulas.

The night dive was great, guests really liked it. 1 group stayed on the shallow reef, surrounded by swimming eels, lots of sleeping fish, walking sea cucumbers, and impressive bioluminescence. Group 2 went off to explore the sandy deeper area, and they were very happy to find 1 cownose ray, 1 mobula ray, 1 big turtle,e and loads of stingrays. As we came back to the boat, we could see the surface under the lamp covered with pink worms and krill-like animals.

Just as everybody was rinsed from the dive, the first mobulas showed up and started to feast on all that food, at first just 20, but then the school grew to a good 50-60. Guests Jorge and Alexandra jumped in for a snorkel and they had the mobulas in their faces for a long time, with mouths open. They are juvenile munkiana, and it is interesting that for the past 3 days, we see juvenile mobular jumping around and schools of very young munkiana. Also, a seahorse joined the party, floating at the surface and feeding on the worm soup.

It took us some persuasion to convince the rest of the guests to go for a splash, as they had just showered, but in the end 6 of them went in until 2330 and had some good interaction.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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