Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2023-07-18

Good afternoon, everyone, NGL e/r to La Reina,

We arrived this morning at Punta Perico, conducted a dive briefing, and had our check dive. Guests were a little bit late setting their gear up and we started at 1100. The check dive went well, pretty well. The divers were underwater, and dive conditions were good. Viz around 15 meters, water temperature 28 Celsius. During this dive, they did see many moray eels, snappers, and a few scorpion fish and they did enjoy it.

We plan to do 2 more dives in La Reina and then depart to BLA, search for big critters tomorrow on our way up.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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