Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-08-09

Good afternoon, everyone, NBA anchored at SPM.

We arrived here this morning around 0600, we left BLA at 2100, it was a smooth run, weather conditions are good, the wind is from NW 10-15 knots, same direction seas were 2-4 ft. We have done 2 very good dives and number 3 is just starting. Our guest really enjoyed their dives, they saw and interacted with sea lions and black coral. By the way, they said it was beautiful and a few saw a seahorse. The water temperature was 30 Celsius and viz was around 12 meters. We have 2 more dives here and after our late dive, we will heave up anchor and head to Coronado Island and will dive there tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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