Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-08-15

Good afternoon, everyone, NBA E/R to SPM.

We finished our day yesterday at Las Animas with an excellent dive, guests enjoyed the dive site pretty much. We arrived at Danzante island and our first dive was the wreck, with lots of fish and some turtles. Viz was not that bad and divers surfaced very happily.

Dive number 2 was at Roca Partida, moray eels, lots of snappers, also octopus, and lots of starfish. Viz was excellent and the water temperature was 29 Celsius. After that dive we went to Carmen Island, it was the first time that we go there. This dive was amazing, the topography is beautiful, and there are fields of black coral. Our divers also saw some scattered mobulas, jawfish, hawkfish, zebra rays, and lots and lots of fish. For sure we will dive here in future trips. Our ETA to SPM is we will do 3-day dives and 1-night dive. All guests are more than happy, even those that do not scuba dive are enjoying snorkeling a lot.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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