Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Explorer โ€“ 2023-09-02

5.33.246N โ€“ 87.02.361W anchor in Chatham Bay in 85Ft of water.

Today we dove Alcyone and we were also supposed to dive Submerged Rock but weather conditions held us back and we only did Alcyone.

This site is beautiful but present you with some challenging conditions. The current and a strong surge, is the price you need to pay for such an amazing diving. The schooling hammerheads was around, marble rays, white tip reef sharks, mullet snappers, horse eyed jack by the thousands, trevally, jacks, yellow tail burritos and a lot more. For some the cherry on top of the cake was the huge tiger shark passing by.

Alcyone is an amazing place, today we had the visit of the Ranger who came to make a presentation and talk about the rules and regulations so we ran a later schedule today.

Today we have winds of 10kts SW, flat seas at anchor but outside the bay waves are 4Ft SW and picking up, sunny perfect day. Lots of cloud out in the horizon.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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