Belle Amie at Las Animas today. Strong wind from the SSE today, 16-21kts, seas 3-4′ although we are tucked in out of the worst of it on the west side of the rock. Air temp 34C.
Two dives done here so far. Both great dives as always. First two were at the north rock, looking for the hammies. Most divers got to see at least 10-15 hammerheads, some only got to see a brief glimpse of a couple individuals, but they were around. Great sealion action as well, plus lots of fishes and beautiful topography.
Water temp 29C, viz around 15m in areas, up to 25m in others. Doing two more dives here this afternoon, we’ll try the east side rocks for 3rd dive and then finish at the seamount on the south side for dive 4, then off to Loreto for 3 dives tomorrow. Yesterday we dived at Isla San Francisco for the checkout dive, 2 dives at the sealion colony at San Francisquito, and a great night dive at El Cayo de San Jose. Good diving, good first day. Aly was in the air for a fly by and search and found a pod of dolphins for us, but had to leave before we could get there and we never found the dolphins.