NGL is in San Francisco Island.
Clear blue sky, temperature is around 30C, water temperature still 31C at the surface which is warmer than usual for this season. Wind is blowing, 10-12knts in the channel from the north, but we are nicely protected inside the bay of SanFrancisco. Swell is building in the channel due to the norther wind, 3-4ft.
This morning we did 2 dives in the San Jose channel. Dive number 1 was at la barra del Machado, a long reef that extends in the middle of the channel with the top of the reef at 35-40ft. Guests really appreciated the dive, mellow, with lots of rocks to look for critters and reef fishes, scorpion fish, hump head wrasse, zebra eels, nudibranchs.
Second dive was at the sealion colony of ElPardito. We were greeted by about 5-6 sealions floating and basking in the sun at the surface, and more came to play with the divers along the dive. DM Imanol also found a seahorse that each guest was able to take a picture of Scorpion fish, zebra ell, nudibranch, turtles were also on the party! this afternoon we will do 1 more dive at the sealions colony then 1 night dive in San Francisco Bay. Yesterday afternoon we did 1 dive at Los Islotes, the visibility was a bit better than in south ES, but the sealions activity was very mellow, guests reported seeing only 1 sealion. The last dive was done at El Islotito (in front of PuntaTijeras) as the sunlight was decreasing and the swell had built up from the north wind, not allowing enough time to go back to Los Islotes. Only 2 divers joined this last dive and they were very happy.