Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-10-05

NGL is south of San Diego Island

Clear blue sky, wind N10-14 but we are protected from most of it in the lee of the island, swell 4-5ft but we only get 1-2ft wrapping around the island at anchorage. Water temp 30C, air temp 31C, visibility on the dive site was 15mts+.

We just finished dive 2 of the day. Dive 1 was at las Animas in the hope to see hammerheads and play with sealions. Unfortunately, the sustained north wind created a wrapping swell that would impact all sides of the island. We managed to embark the guests for dive1 by drifting south of the island in the lee. Divers got in the water but at the end of the dive they reported very low visibility (less than 10ft), surge and no activity of sealions. They managed to explore a cave and saw some critters.

We are now anchored at San Diego and we dove the little rock south of the reef, about 0.5nm. Guests said it was the best dive of their trip so far and were very happy with it, Faith qualified it as “awesome”. Visibility was 15-20meters, shallow and mellow dive with loads of critters, nudibranchs, blue spotted jawfish, moray eels and big schools of reef fishes: creole, surgent major, a few snappers. It was like an aquarium.We will do dive 3 here and then a night dive on the same spot.

Yesterday afternoon we had one more dive at the sealion colony in SanJose channel, the conditions of visibility were good but the sealions were not playful, they were either floating at the surface basking in the sun, or 1 big male patrolling. After a kayak activity and beach walk in SanFrancisco we had a night dive inside the bay. Divers really enjoyed it, we saw loads of swimming hunting moray eels, sea cucumbers, sleeping fish, crabs, and bioluminescence.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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