Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-10-09

Good afternoon, everyone.

NBA about to start the 3rd dive of the day in Carmen Island. Yesterday we did 2 more dives at Las Animas. Pascals group saw a large school of hammerheads again, 50 plus individuals, rest of the guests enjoyed their dives with the sea lions.

Weather conditions today are better, it was rainy and cloudy in the early morning but at this moment, the sun is shining high and sky is covered 3/8, with cumulus nimbus in the horizon. Wind is blowing from SE 10-15; air temperature is 30 Celsius and water temperature is 31 Celsius.

Diving today has been pretty good, I can tell guests are happy. We did dive in the morning Diaz Ordaz wreck in Carmen island, huge schools of sergeant fish, moray eels, angelfish. Our divers and snorkelers did like it a lot. During this dive water temperature was 31 Celsius and viz around 10 meters.

Second dive was done at RocaPartida, very nice dive site, topography is beautiful, lots of angel fish, parrot fish, coral formations, snappers of different kinds and1 sea turtle. Conditions for this dive were viz 15 meters and water temperature 30 Celsius.

In this very moment we are starting dive number 3 at the abyss, our plan is once we finish, start to make way to San Pedro Martir.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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