Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-10-10

Hello everyone, NBA anchored at San Pedro Martir 180 ft, 3.5 shots paid out.

Yesterday we did one more dive in Carmen Island, dive site ElAbismo. It was nice dive, viz was 10 meters and water temperature 30 Celsius. Our guests saw black coral, many snappers, sergeant fish, scorpion fish and many moray eels.

WX has been good today SE WIND 5-10 KTS, calm seas here at anchor air temperature is 30 Celsius, clear sky.

We have done 3 dives today so far and we are going to do one more. It will be a night dive. Dive number 1 was done at ElArroyo, guests stayed there the entire dive, sea lions were very friendly with them and curios. All guest surfaced very happy, dive conditions were: viz 15 meters, water temperature 27 Celsius.

Dive number 2 was done at Corralito, again lots of sea lions approaching guests, swimming around them and this was during the entire dive. Also they saw frog fish, seahorses, black coral and lots of reef fish. Water temperature 27 Celsius and viz during this dive was 20 meters. Dive number 3 was in the wall and pretty much same diving conditions and marine life. Our plan is heave up anchor after our night dive and make way to Bahia de Los Ángeles

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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