Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-10-11

NGL is in San Marcos Island

Clear blue sky, air temp is 32C, water temp is between 24 and 27C depending on divesite. Wind is picking up from the east but we are protected from it at anchorage.

This morning we arrived at SanMarcos for our first dive at 0800. We saw several jumping mobulasmunkianas close by the boat. We dive the north rocks of king angelfish point, where the sealion colony is. The guests had a blast, being greeted by a gang of young sealions that played with them all dive long. They also found plenty of reef fish, octopus, sea stars, groupers, 6 different types of eels and of course king angelfishes.

2nd dive we did by the light house on the west side. The water was colder, at 75F, and our guests were not used to that anymore! They had a good dive though, with eels, lobsters, stingrays and loads of reef fishes.

They are now rinsing and putting away their equipment before we head over to Loreto. We will search for animals on the way and hopefully we will be able to offer some snorkel with big animals.

Yesterday afternoon 3 guests went back out for the whale sharks adventure and were lucky to spend 40 min nonstop in the water with a very cooperative whale shark of about 8 meters. They were very happy and excited as they returned to the boat. The rest of the group went for a dive at Punta Don Juan and were very happy. Despite a stronger current, they were able to see black corals, several species of stingrays, lobsters and loads of reef fishes.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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