Good afternoon, everyone, NBA anchored at Cabo Tosco, weather conditions are good, we have NW wind 12-15 kts and 2-3 ft wrapping swell in the anchorage, sunny day, and clear sky.
Yesterday after we received our guests we continued searching for animals. On our way back, we saw 2 whales but they were moving very fast, therefore we did not have the chance to put our guests in the water.
This morning Pangas received our guests around 0730, they saw many bait balls today. While they were in the water, they had the chance to see a mola mola, mahi mahis eating the bait and also a minke whale was there. All our guests saw it.
In another bait ball, 3 groups had the chance to see Marlins. They said that possible 10 different marlins at the same time. Water temperature was 29 Celsius and viz 30 meters, it was a good day and all guest are in good spirits. Some guests told me that it was very cool to see the plane passing by. In this moment we are heaving up anchor and heading back to Mag Bay. We are going to sleep there and our guests will be picked up tomorrow morning.