Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Gallant Lady โ€“ 2023-10-17

NGL anchored south of San Pedro Martir island

Clear blue sky, air temp 31C, water temp 27C, visibility 10meters. Light wind from north northwest and strong current from north west.

This morning we were greeted by a pod of bottlenose dolphins as we dropped anchor in the southern bay of SanPedroMartyr. By the time we were heading to our first dive, they were surrounding the rhib, riding the bow. They were tightly packed and diving all together at the same time so we knew they were on the hunt.

We went for the 1st dive in the southern shore of the island, a beautiful drift dive with lots of boulders until 60ft then sandy bottom. Guests saw plenty of turtles, stingrays, moray eels, spotted eagle ray and extremely playful and friendly sealions.

For the second dive we headed to the north shore to the divesite ElArroyo. There is a great place to play with sealions and be amazed by the forest of black corals that grow on the deeper part of the wall.

On our way back from the dive we bumped into a huge pod of bottlenose dolphins, more than 200 hundred. This time they were jumping high in the air, chilling at the surface and very curious with the rhib,so we managed to slide in the water and give a good dolphin action for the guests. After lunch we will do 1 more dive on the north shore then start our trip back to Isla del Carmen, Loreto.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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