NUS Anchored at 18°59.2N-112°04.5W in 250ft depth, sky partly cloudy with a pleasant breeze blowing from the north and long period swell of 4ft from the Southeast, air temperature 80°F.
This morning two dives on Roca Partida with moderate current to the southwest and visibility of 60 ft, water temperature 81°F on both dives. We saw 5 different manta rays that showed mating behavior, 3 black and two chevrons, more than 30 dolphins that interacted with divers for more than half an hour plus the traditional Roca Whitetip Sharks, Silvertips, Yellowfin Tuna, and lots of Big Eye Jacks. Everyone is happy with this morning’s dives.
Planning two more dives after Lunch. Guests and crew without problems.
We did not find Fishing Boats or signs of fishing nets. Everything Normal.
Just waiting for the Whale Shark.