Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-11-03

19.17.738N – 110.48.724W anchored in 45ft of water in San Benedicto, wind is doing 8kts NE, very long 2ft SW swell, blue skies with some white in it, air temperature is 80f.

Today water is been pretty warm 82F, visibility averages 60ft, little current in first dive, mild current in second dive running to the west. Guests very happy to be here. Since check dive they have seen mantas, some sharks.

Second and third dive have been amazing they say. The cleaning station in the canyon is just loaded with sharks and mantas, not to mention the usual cast of fish, like the jacks, grunt, snapper, trigger fish, creoles, and a lot more. Some got distracted with an octopus. In the first dive, Alex is getting extra love from the dive guides as he is adjusting to the ocean again and his skills need some tweaking, he is happy with the three dives he has done today.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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