NUS Anchored at 18°46.2N-110°54.3W in 100 ft of depth. Partly cloudy sky, NNE wind of 17kn, and waves from the same direction of 4ft.
Two dives this morning at Cape Pearce. The first dive with a light current towards the South and a Visibility of 60ft, a temperature of 81°F. The divers had fun with dolphins and manta rays in the same scenario, manta rays and dolphins together, 2 dolphins staying with most of the divers throughout the dive.
On the second dive, the conditions changed with a strong current towards the South that caused some groups to separate and finish the dive out of the reef. Everything was controlled, talked to guests and the Dive Masters to better manage the situation with the current for the next dive. In total at least 8 different manta rays. Yesterday in Roca Partida during the afternoon dives the mantas were seen.
Plan for tomorrow the Boiler.