Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Under Sea โ€“ 2023-11-05

NUS Anchored at 19ยฐ17.4N-110ยฐ48.4W, in 50 ft depth, the Canyon on San Benedicto Island, Sky is completely cloudy, it is dark but not raining. Air temperature 80ยฐF. North wind 17 knots and waves from the same direction up to 5ft, making it difficult and challenging to operate with the skiff.

Due to the conditions but with good care, we did two good dives. Visibility of 80ft, water temperature 81ยฐF, and no current in both dives. Mantas and Dolphins, for at least 7 different individuals, many jacks, and tons of reef fish. Planning two more dives in the canyon after lunch.

We are alone, no other boats in San Benedicto.

Sailing back to Cabo tomorrow morning.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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