Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-11-11

19.17.777N – 110.48.605W, anchor in 50ft of water, today we are in San Benedicta.

We did the leather bass alley in the check dive then the canyon in the second dive. Since we anchored here last night the swell is big with a long period, 4ft of the swell and the wind in different directions makes the boat rock and roll. Last night wind was above 14kts NW and the swell is from the NE.

It is calming down a little with time, air and water today are the same at 78f, visibility averages 60ft, current going to the east, they say is a mild one, skies were blue for 20 minutes this morning and now is drizzling, no sunlight can make thru the dark clouds we have now.

The dives: In the check dive Xavier was leading the first group as he went in followed by his diver. He put his head out of the water and said DOLPHIN…… but duty calls and he waited patiently for the rest of the group. They saw mantas some sharks and a huge tiger shark in this check dive. The second dive had more mantas and the cleaning station was full of sharks and other fish.

Some of the guests could not believe how close the sharks came, a total of ten hammerhead shark came to visit. The big joke today is the man with the big camera and with his macro lens on, he was just laughing and laughing, good thing this is only the first day.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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