NUS Anchored at 19°17.4N-110°48.4W, Boiler, San Benedicto Island. The sky is partly cloudy, the air temperature 78°F and with a northerly wind of 8 knots and a long period northwest swell of 4ft.
This morning the checkout dive was done in Fondeadero and it was successful. The divers saw 5 different manta rays, 4 black and one chevron. For the second dive in the Canyon, they saw 3 different manta rays, one black and two chevron in addition to large Galapagos and silvertips in the cleaning action.
The visibility on both dives was 30/40 ft and a temperature of 78°F and a light current to the west. For the afternoon dives we are planning to move to a different site to try to find better visibility. All Guests and crew Ok. Plan for tomorrow is Roca Partida.