Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2023-11-17

NUS Anchored at 19°17.4N-110°48.4W, Boiler, San Benedicto Island. The sky is partly cloudy, the air temperature 78°F and with a northerly wind of 8 knots and a long period northwest swell of 4ft.

This morning the checkout dive was done in Fondeadero and it was successful. The divers saw 5 different manta rays, 4 black and one chevron. For the second dive in the Canyon, they saw 3 different manta rays, one black and two chevron in addition to large Galapagos and silvertips in the cleaning action.

The visibility on both dives was 30/40 ft and a temperature of 78°F and a light current to the west. For the afternoon dives we are planning to move to a different site to try to find better visibility. All Guests and crew Ok. Plan for tomorrow is Roca Partida.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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